Saturday, May 7, 2011


Let’s face it most of us would love to live a life where everything just seems to go at a nice fluid pace with little or no interruptions or few setbacks. This would be read – and it can be done if you start practicing a positive lifestyle. Positive lifestyle involves looking at things a little differently.
It requires that you see and understand the positive aspects of people and situations–instead of just focusing on the negative aspects. Too often we get caught up with the negative opinions, attitudes, actions and thoughts of those around us–and in the end we create a negative lifestyle that leaves us unhappy, depressed, hopeless and angry. So in order to avoid falling into this trap or in order to move from a negative lifestyle to a positive lifestyle – we need do begin changing the way we see things and change the way we interact with each other.
The first step you can do is to change your negative responses when dealing with people. For example: if someone asks you; “How are you.” Instead of responding by saying: “Not bad.” Why not say: “I’m doing great.” Think about it for a second. Your first response was Not Bad, or “I’m okay,” or so-so – these are all negative statements that create more negative energy and perpetuate the negative lifestyle. Switching to the positive – to what you want – leads to creating more positive energy and a more positive attitude. If you actually start saying that you’re doing great – in time you’ll begin to believe if and your reality will reflect that – things will actually improve.
So when you’re talking to other people – change your negative statements to positive comments. If you’re in a conversation where everybody is just being negative – try saying something positive and see what happens. Watch the response – you’ll be surprised at some of the things that happen. Some people may think you are crazy – but a lot of people will actually start to see things differently. You’ll actually get them to stop being so negative – and without knowing it – those every same people will begin looking at things in a more positive way. This may not happen the first time, and it may not happen all the time – but the more you do it – the more often you’ll get them to focus on the positive events.
Often people will do things to make you uneasy, upset you, anger you – or just simply get under your skin. When this happens – it’s okay to initially react – but after you’ve calmed down – look at the positive qualities in that person. Too often we focus solely on a person’s negative qualities – and forget the good things. There are people who tell that they can’t think of anything nice about their co-workers, bosses, mother in-law, etc. This is a little hard to believe and what it shows is that the person is so caught up in living a negative lifestyle they can’t see anything positive in anyone. It’s like living in darkness for so long that now they forgot what impact light could have.
By looking at the positive you get your mind to shift its attention – it now begins to see things differently and thus sends a different message and different energy to your subconscious. This new positive energy and positive message is picked up by your subconscious, your spirit and your higher power – they all bring positive situations to you. It’s that old saying: what goes around comes around. You focus on the positive in other people and other people will see the positive qualities in you. You focus on the good things in other people, and other people will see the good things in you and you’ll attract positive situations in your life.
Don’t neglect the positive qualities that a person has. Here’s an example: Let’s say you’re taking your son or daughter to a basketball game. You’re in the line and the guy behind you, who is also with his child, starts pushing. You ask him to back off and he gets angry – perhaps starts yelling and screaming – all of this is taking place in front of your child and his child. Finally things calm down – you go to your seat and he goes to his. Perhaps you’re still angry and silently cursing him as you sit in your chair. But can you see anything positive in that person? Most people would say no. But at least he was trying to spend some time with his kid. At least he took time out of his schedule, just like you di and took his kid o a game – just like you did. You don’t know anything else about the person – but you just found some positive qualities. When you do this you also release the anger and unhappiness – because you get your mind to focus on something positive instead of something negative – thus creating more positive energy. Try doing this with people you know and don’t know. Creating positive energy is crucial to your success and happiness. Let’s face it – you certainly don’t want negative energy or a negative lifestyle.
Another thing you can do is to be encouraging and positive – not just when you’re talking to people – but go the extra distance to help someone out when you can. Offer encouragement when people have questions or concerns. Instead of shouting somebody down or sharply criticizing them – take the high road – and see how much more of an impact a few words of encouragement will help. Listen to what people say and try to offer a positive suggestion to help in their situation. When you do this you get your mind to go in a positive direction – and you also back it up with action. It doesn’t hurt to help people when they need a hand, a few words of encouragement w will go a lot further than some harsh criticism.
Finally, try smiling. It’s actually a lot easier than frowning. It’s true. Researcher and scientists have found that you actually use fewer muscles to smile than you do when you frown. Try smiling more and you’ll actually start to feel better. Take some time to laugh at yourself at things you find funny. Be a kid every once in a while – don’t’ take things too seriously – after all having fund frees the soul and eases the mind. Do things you enjoy and you’ll start creating a positive lifestyle?
These are just some of the things you could do to start living a positive lifestyle and attract more positive energy into your life. Once you start doing some of the things, life will start to move at a more positive, fluid pace – and there won’t be as many bumps along the road.
Are you among the millions of people who would like to see things happen in an instant? Do you find that you want to get something done, achieve a goal but would like it to happen now – rather than later? Well if you are – then you may actually be doing yourself more harm than good. That’s because in order to excel in life and achieve your goals you need to utilize the power of patience.
Over the last week more and more it seems people are becoming impatient and what was strikingly interesting was that the more impatient they got – the further away they seemed to push themselves from achieving their goals. We want things yesterday, when we decide we want to achieve something we want it right away, and when we decide we want to change or improve ourselves we too want this to happen right away. But if we look at human beings as part of nature – which is exactly what we are – and if we examine nature carefully you suddenly realize that nature doesn’t create change in an instant. Adopt the pace of nature, here secret is patience – and that patience can lead to the perfect life – if you understand how to work with it and nature together.
Ask any successful businessman or entrepreneur and they’ll tell you that they never rush into a decision. Sure they’ll follow their gut instinct – but they’ll take plenty of time researching, studying and thing – waiting until the right moment to make a decision. When you examine nature’s process you find that it works perfectly and has a great deal of patience. For example: you plant a seed, water it, leave it for some time, then at the right time – when all the right elements are in place – that seed turns into a flower, a vegetable or whatever seed you planted. But this only happens when the conditions are right. However, there was work to be done before those elements came into place. The seed had to be planted, it had to be nurtured, it had to be left alone to begin to grow and spring roots under the soil, then at the right time – it began to rise above the surface into exactly what it was meant to be. Without the prior efforts, without the planting, the watering and the incubation period – the seed could not have sprung above the ground. It would have not been what it is today without all that work.
If you want to achieve success or any goals you set out – you have to practice patience. That doesn’t mean you sit around and wait. No, instead you have to do the work first, lay the foundation, plant the seed, make sure the soil is right – prepare and then wait for all the elements to come into place before making the right decision that will propel you to greater success. Unfortunately most people don’t practice this process and end up felling pressed to change things right away. When you ignore the process of nature – when forget about the power of patience and instead react to situations looking for the next quick solution – you work against nature and in the end get pushed back further. If you want to be successful and achieve your goals you have to practice a certain amount of patience.
When you’re impatient – when you don’t’ trust and accept that things will work out – you actually get slowed down, distracted or end up on the wrong track – then you wonder: “How did I get there?” Here’s an example: suppose you’re in line waiting to pay for something – and it’s a rather long line but there’s another cahier with an equally long line. If you huff and get angry – it won’t change anything. If you jump to the other line – it may actually take longer, if you leave – you quit and don’t get what you want. Sometimes you’ll leave saying you’ll come back when the line is shorter but most people rarely go back. So by being impatient you either got angry, thought the grass was greener on the other side – but actually waited longer or you quit and never got what you wanted. Had you been patient, chances are you would have made your payment and moved on. Some of us will say: “yeah but what happens when the other line does move faster – I’m not going to stay where I am.” Of course you won’t then move along – don’t assume that the grass is greener on the other side – deal with what you have and what you know – be patient and you’ll make the right decision.
Now let’s take a look at something that is a little more serious. Let’s say you want to increase your finances and you want to make a million dollars – a lot of people want to make a million dollars right away – say with 3 months. While anything is possible – it’s unlikely to happen. Some get angry and hang up. But here’s why it’s unlikely to happen in 3 months. There is a process that needs to take place. Just like that seed can’t grow above the ground in 3-days that seed has to go through its natural process. Do you and part of that process is growing. If you want to make a million dollars – you could look for that quick fix, make risky investments, try different schemes, gamble, buy lottery tickets – but you would likely lose more money in the process. Or you could start laying a foundation to make a million dollars – you could start building a business and increase your revenue year over year. You could start with more solid investments – and build on them year over year. You could come up with a solid financial plan and build on it year over year. This notion of getting things right away ignores the process of nature, eliminates the power of patience and will just set you back further.
Unfortunately in today’s society we want instant satisfaction. We want something that will fix everything right away. We want a pill that will cure everything. We want our food ready in an instant. But nature doesn’t work instantly and we are creatures of nature – we are part of nature. We operate on the same schedule, age and pass on. Just like aspects of natures. Success in life doesn’t happen overnight. Creating a business and making it a success requires patience. Having impatience in business is inviting disaster. Relationships take time to build and improve – having impatience in a relationship is a sure way to end it. Finding the right job requires patience and effort, having impatience in a job search is a sure way to bet reacted.
In all of the above samples and other aspects of life things can happen in an instant – but our success in them will require patience. For example: You may meet a partner tomorrow – but the success of that relationship will require patience – so that it has time to grow and succeed. You could come up with a business idea tomorrow – but its success will require patience. You could find a job tomorrow – but your success at it will depend on how patient you are not only of the job – but also with co-workers and bosses.
If you want balance and harmony, if you want success and happiness – you have to do all that you can utilize the power of patience.
We can best illustrate how the power of patience brings enormous rewards with an example of Peter – a gentleman who has had a very successful career and rewarding life. 10 years ago Peter and another friend Desmond, started working a t the same company – both had similar entry-level position and both had great ambitions. Peter was always the more patient laid back type – whereas Dsmond was on the hyper side – always itching to get something done, showing little patience and always wanting to move up in the company quickly. After a year on the job Desmond was already looking to move on and find something new. He demanded a higher salary or a promotion – threatening to leave. A few months later he left the company and tried to balk Peter into doing the same thing. Peter – chose to stay. Desmond went from job to job – always looking for something better. The longest he ever stayed at a job has been 2 years. A few weeks ago – he was out of work and looking again. He said his name had been tarnished because he had gone through so many companies in such a short period of time. “I guess they just don’t want somebody who has no patience with management.” he explained. Peter is still with that same company and is now a Senior Manager in line to be Vice President of his own division within a few years. His salary has tripled and he has the seniority and respect of his superiors.
The power of patience is incredible – you have no idea how many good things can happen to those who practice patience.
If you planted a seed and stood over it waiting for it to sprout through the ground you’d go crazy. If you planted a seed and ignored it – it would die. If you planted a seed and placed a rock on top of it – it would never flourish. But if you planted a seed and did the work to help it grow, cared for it – it would flourish and thrive.
The same applies in life. Do your work, do the best that you can – be patient and understand that things will fall into place at the right time. If you want a new job – do what you can to find a new job, go out and do the work, but then practice patience – knowing that it will come at the right time. Remember – your impatience will work against you. But if you utilize the powers of your mind and subconscious mind – you’ll be above to attract the right job and the right situation at the right time. Whatever it is you want to happen in your life – it will in time – as long as you work with the power of your mind and subconscious mind.
The power of giving corns from a selfless act – where you simply give from your heart. This act of giving is not tied to any special event, holiday or celebration – it is merely a time when you give from the heart because you want to share what you have, show your appreciation and give because you truly care. There should not be any other motive behind it. You don’t give so that you can get something in return.
When you give simply from the heart you are saying to the universe, your higher powers and you are also sending out energy that others pick up – this message that you communicate by the selfless act of giving is that you truly care and want to share what you have. You also say that you don’t care if you don’t’ get anything in return, you don’t’ care if no one notices or if no one thanks you. After all that’s not why you are doing it. When you do this – the response that you get can be quite overwhelming. It will be as though a thousand hands came to help you even when you didn’t ask for help. Things start to fall into place – because those who give from the heart – will get a thousand times the amount that they give. Remember – you give from the heart. You don’t give with the expectation of something in return. You can give with the thought that you are sharing – that you are giving because you have so much. You are giving because you know and trust that you will always have what you want so you can afford to give something even before you receive what you seek.
This mere act of giving from the heart and with the full knowledge that you have plenty and with the rust that you will always have more than enough – creates a bond between you and your higher power, spirit, universe, God or whatever you want to call that part of us that we feel is connected to a higher entity. That bond is a trust – in which you are saying, “I know I will always have more than I want so I am now giving something because I want to – fully trusting that I will always have more than what I want – and therefore I can share because I want to.” When you do this the universe or the higher power responds by saying – “ah-ha—believes they have so much that they are already willing to share – let’s give him/her some more so that they can continue to share.” It really does work that way.
But too often we get caught up in our wants and needs, we get selfish – only focusing on ourselves and our own little problems – which when looked at in terms of the bigger picture are really not that severe. Sure there are some of us who have some serious setbacks that we want to overcome – your own personal concerns. However, we don’t need to look at the needs of those of those around us as well – and then ask ourselves what we can do to help make things better. After all – it’s our world – if we don’t share how can we help each other and how can we overcome our own setbacks. If you don’t’ help your neighbor – and if everybody didn’t help their neighbor – how would we ever get things done? There would be no progress because we would all be consumed with our own little world and not take the time to help each other.
Giving is a part of human nature. That’s why when we do it we enjoy the process so much. We enjoy seeing the other person smile; we enjoy helping someone else in some small way. Not all of us are in a position to give a great deal, or to buy the ideal present or to spend a lot of money. But you can give your time. You can give something small, you can make a small gesture to the universe and your higher power – that you believe you will always have what you want and more – you believe so much that you’re willing to give and share that even before you receive it. Now we can give a little of our time – since we all have the same amount – surely you can spare an hour or two on the weekends. If you go shopping – buy something small for someone – with the belief that you will always have more than you need. You can even buy something for yourself with that same belief. You can give a small amount to charity – with the complete belief that you will always have more than you need.
If you want to receive love and affection – then give love and affection to those you care about. If you want to make more money – then give a small amount to charity. Give with the belief that you  already have so much that you are now willing to share what you are about to receive – don’t expect anything in return – just trust that you will get what you seek. This is a very powerful technique and there’s no better time to give than during this holiday season.
Why set goals:
Going through life without any goals is like getting into a car and driving without any destination in mind. Would you get into your car and just start driving hoping to get somewhere but really not sure where you are going or how you’re going to get there? How often have you got into your car and said: “Let’s just drive and see where we end up?” Chances are you’re like most people – you get into your car when you need to go somewhere. Most often you know exactly where you’re going and have a pretty good idea of how you’re going to get there. You know how you’re going to get thee because you may be familiar with the route, or you got directions from someone.
So why not use the same skills in life?
Life in many ways is like driving – you need to have a destination in mind. You can’t get somewhere if you don’t know where you’re going because you’ll only end up getting nowhere and then wonder how you got there in the first place. Think about that for moment. We’ve seen and spoken to thousands of people who have lived their life without setting any goals only to realize that where they are is not where they want to be and they have no idea how they got there to begin with. The frustration continues because they fail to decide where they want to go next and they never regain the enthusiasm they had for life when they were a child.
Think about it – when you were a kid you wanted to be a pilot, a doctor, a lawyer, a movie star, a rock star, -- you had this childish enthusiasm because you had a goal and you thought anything was possible. Today you may have lost that child enthusiasm because you no longer think anything is possible. The only reason that happened is because you didn’t set goals and achieve them. Maybe you did – and maybe they were too lofty or something stopped you – but as soon as you gave up on them – you lost that enthusiasm. We’re not saying go out and try to be that rock star at 45 – but you can set new goals and this times od what you can to achieve them – because you only get one change and this is it.
If you’re one of those people who is a little like my fiend and you’re not that enthusiastic about life – don’t feel dismayed – there are a number of things you can do to get going again. First let’s talk about setting goals. Often when people are asked what your goals are we usually get the following response: “I don’t have any goals, I don’t know what I want to do.” My answer is really simple: “You do know what you want to do – you just haven’t thought about it yet.” Think about. How often do you really think about what you want to do or what you want to do next?
So the first step is to start thinking about what you want to do or what you want to do next. Now often the response to that is: “But I don’t know what I want to do next.” Okay that’s fine. Yes it is fine. If you don’t know exactly what you want to do or what you want to do next – then start thinking about the kind of life you want to have. Try to look forward 5 years – where do you see yourself? What’s life like for you 5 years from now? What kind of life would you want 5 years from now? Write it down. New start thinking about what you need to do in order to get to where you want to be in 5 years. You just saw what kind of life you wanted in 5 years – now what can you do to get there? If you’re saying: “I don’t know what to do to get there.” My answer to that is: “You do know how to get there – you just haven’t thought of it yet.” Once you start thinking about these kinds of things you’ll begin to get answers and find solutions. You’ll begin to establish a long-term goal – the life you want in 5 years and you’ll also set a series of short-term goals – the goings you need to do to get you there. Once you do that – you then have a destination in mind and an idea of how you’re going to get there. The idea is to get your mind working for you rather than against you.
The Importance of Setting Goals:
The reason it’s important to set goals is because without them you feel like you’re just spinning your wheels in life. Without goals you no longer feel challenged, you no longer feel alive. Without goals life becomes boring and you lose in test – in the end you could end up being bored and depressed. When you have a goal or series for goals you suddenly feel like you have a sense of purpose – out fell like you’re using your full potential and that you’re striving for something better.
We are not saying that everyone has to have lofty goals. All we are saying is that in order to feel like you’re getting the most out of lie you need to have some goals and some direction – because without that – life becomes meaningless.
Achieving goals:
Now it’s also important to achieve your goals. If you constantly fail when trying to achieve your goals you’ll lose your self-esteem, confidence and in the end won’t be interested in doing such of anything. So the way to achieve goals is to set smaller realistic goals in the beginning. Start with the little things – things you know you can achieve and then start to set the standards a little higher as you go. If you’re unemployed and you want to be a millionaire – our first goal should be to stat working and saying some money. Then consider your next goal and soon.
The other important factor needed to achieve goals is a belief that you can and will accomplish your goals. This means you have to change your old way of thing. This is actually crucial to your success – because if you don’t believe you can achieve your goals – it doesn’t matter how hard you try – you just won’t’ get there. In order to crate this new believe that you can and will achieve your goals – you have to train your mind and send new messages to your subconscious mind. This where Creating Power really helps you. So start by telling yourself that you can achieve your goals, look for ways to achieve your goals and then start talking the steps to achieve your goals. When you hear yourself saying “I can’t “ or “I don’t think I can...” or “I don’t know – it all seems so difficult...” stop and put those statements into positive phrases – that you focus on what you want to achieve. With Creating Power you’ll learn how to train your mankind so that you create a new belief system and achieve your goals.
Let’s recap – first set goals. Think about what you want to achieve. Then set smaller goals – and start achieving them so that you build your confidence and self-esteem. At the same time – change your beliefs and re-train your mind.
Discover Your Calling:
At some point in our lives many of us ask that age-old question: “Why am I here? What am I supposed to be doing that I’m not doing?” May be you haven’t asked yourself that question. Maybe you just feel like you’re not getting that most out of life or that it’s become routine – possibly even boring. The reason why this happens is because you’re not following your passion – or you haven’t discovered your calling. In this newsletter you’re going to learn how to discover your calling so that you start enjoying life again.
Recognize That You Do Have A Calling:
Each one of us has a separate calling. They may be similar – but they way we go about and the benefits we get and ultimately the true nature of that calling is different. When you are not centered, when you are not following your calling you end up being restless, agitated, bored and frustrated. Why is it that some people seem to have such a good time with life – they’re successful, in happy relationships, comfortable yet not bored? Why? Ask and of them and they’ll tell you – the do what they love – they follow their calling and their passion.
If you find that you’re just not enjoying life or fell that you’re not getting the most out of life you may not be on the right track anymore. You may not be following your calling. Let me explain something about following your calling. By this we mean following your passion. Of course in order to this you first need to know what your passion or your calling is. This passion or calling can and likely will change at different points of your life. That is – your calling or passion today will likely be different than it was 10-years ago. That’s okay – it’s actually a good thing. It’s a sign of growth – and growth is good.
The first step is to understand and accept that you do have a calling. That you do have a passion that you can follow. That your passion and calling will allow you to live a happy fulfilled life. Why? Because when you follow your passion, your spirit, or your higher self, or that part of you that is not tied to the ego – is in control. It is happy and doing what it was meant to do. When this happens – that higher part of yourself – that part that we do not scientifically understand but we know it exists – begins to connect with the universe on a deeper level. When it does this it brings together the people and events necessary for you to enjoy your life.
Don’t worry – we’re actually half way home. The mere facts that you understand you have a calling and that you recognize your need to follow it is an incredibly positive step. What you need to do next is begin to tap your inner wisdom and subconscious mind to guide you – so that you discover your calling and follow your passion.
How To Discover and Follow Your Calling:
First start by telling yourself that you do know what you want to do. Tell yourself that you do know your passion and that you’re ready to follow it. Remember – every thought that you have can lead to a belief. Beliefs are picked up by the subconscious mind and manifested in reality. If you believe that you don’t know what you want to do or that you don’t know your calling or that you don’t know your passion – then your subconscious mind will simply create opportunities for you to be more and more confused – it will create situations for you so that you don’t’ know what you want. If instead, you say you do know your true calling, that you’ve discovered your true calling, that you are on the right track and you are following your passion – your subconscious will start creating opportunities for you that are in line with your calling and passion. Something’s these opportunities are simple signs that would lead you to a path that seems to be off the beaten track. It may even sound like something completely ridiculous at first thought. But as you follow those signs, those opportunities, you’ll find that things fall into place rather easily, you’ll find that you start to enjoy the process and then begin to get excited. This can and will only happen when you no longer let your ego mind dominate. When you are no longer doing things to impress other people – but are doing things that you simply enjoy.
The next step is to start thinking. Put on your thinking cap and get your mind moving in a new direction. Write if you want – think about all the things you like doing – don’t worry about how you’re going to make money from them – start thinking about all that you like doing. If you had a day off or a week off – what would you do? Don’t say anything – because you would likely do what you enjoy. Start doing those things that you enjoy. Why? Because when you’re happy things start to flow naturally.
Why We Need To Follow Our Calling:
When you enjoy doing something – things start to come together for you. As you continue doing this you’ll find that there are many things that you enjoy – things that you may have stopped doing for some unknown reason.
Stop banging your head against the wall trying to figure it out. You have all the answers within you – go inside and learn how to get connected to powers greater than your ego that will allow you to live a rewarding, fulfilling life. Life doesn’t have to be painful. It doesn’t have to be difficult. Make some time for yourself – you are just as important as all those things that you do that tie up your time during the day. We can only encourage you to take a chance – and discover your true calling by looking within. The answer is not in a new job, or a new home or a new relationship –it’s within. Let your inner powers guide you to the life you want and deserve. Start by doing the things you enjoy – have a little fun – and the road will be wide open and filled with new possibilities.
[Extracted from Rohan’s written by Dell J. Nile, 2004]

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