In about 10,000 to 5000 BC, the first farmers prepared the earth for planting, and since then cultivated vegetables have been a major part of the human diet. Vegetables may someday be grown in space stations and taken on extraterrestrial voyages.
Vegetables are eaten fresh or are prepared in a number of ways. They are good sources of vitamins, particularly vitamins A and C, and of minerals, especially calcium and iron (see Food and Nutrition). In addition to their primary value as food crops for people, vegetables have a variety of uses both in their natural form and as processed products. They provide feed for cattle, sheep, pigs, and poultry. Vegetable oils are widely used in cooking. Refined vegetables provide sugar and starch, which are added to other food products. Nonnutritive food coloring and additives, alcoholic beverages, and fibers are also made from some vegetables.

In the broadest sense, any kind of plant is “vegetable matter.” In common, narrow usage, however, the term vegetables usually refers to the fresh, edible parts of herbaceous plants. Herbaceous plants are distinguished from other plants by stems that are generally softer and less fibrous than the woody stems of trees, shrubs, and bushes (see Plant).
In horticulture, the branch of agriculture concerned with growing fruits and vegetables, fruits are the edible parts of plants that contain the plants' seeds, whereas vegetables are considered to be edible roots, tubers, stems, leaves, fruits, seeds, flower clusters, and other softer plant parts. In common usage, however, there is no exact distinction between a vegetable and a fruit. A tomato, for example, is a fruit because it is fleshy and contains seeds, but it is commonly eaten as a vegetable. Similar fruits that contain seeds surrounded by pulp, but that are eaten as vegetables, include cucumbers, peppers, eggplants, okra, melons, and squashes. The classification of plants and plant parts as vegetables is largely determined by custom, culture, and usage.
Kinds of Vegetables
More loosely, vegetables are classified according to the particular edible part that is harvested for food. According to this scheme there are root vegetables; stem vegetables; tubers, or underground stems; leaf and leafstalk vegetables; bulb vegetables; and head, or flower, vegetables. Scientists are working on developing plants, such as the winged bean, in which all the parts can be eaten.
Root vegetables
include such plants as beets, carrots, parsnips, radishes, and turnips. These plants have a round or elongated fleshy root that ends in a thin “tail”; above ground they are topped by thick or lacy leaves. Roots taste best when picked while young and tender; they get fibrous, pithy, and bitter with age.
Beets (Beta vulgaris) are characterized by a large, globe-shaped red root, with red stalks that continue above ground and form veins through the large green leaves. Originally only the leaves of the beet were eaten; beet root was first mentioned as a food in Germany in 1550. Beets are most extensively grown in temperate to cool regions.
Carrots (Daucus carota) are long, smooth, straight, orange roots topped by fernlike, bright green foliage. The wild carrot is called Queen Anne's lace (see Queen Anne's Lace). Carrots were cultivated in the Mediterranean region before the Christian Era and in China and northwestern Europe by the 13th century. Today carrots are grown extensively throughout the temperate zones of the world.
Parsnips (Pastinaca sativa) were common in Europe by the 16th century and were brought to North America by the early colonists. They look like carrots but are pale in color and have a sweeter flavor. Only garden-grown parsnips should be eaten; in the wild it is difficult to distinguish parsnips from the poisonous water hemlock. Parsnips grow on roadsides and in open places in Great Britain and throughout Europe and temperate Asia.
The radish (Raphanus sativus) has a crisp white, red, purple, or black root. There are two basic varieties: a quick-growing small plant and a large, winter plant with a more hearty flavor. The common radish is probably of Oriental origin.
The turnip (Brassica rapa) has a large, purple and white globular root and young, tender leaves that can be eaten. The turnip probably originated in middle and eastern Asia and by cultivation has spread throughout the Temperate Zone. Swedish turnips, or rutabagas (B. napobrassica), resemble turnips but have white or yellow flesh and smooth, waxy leaves, while turnips are white, with leaves that grow rough and hairy when older. The rutabaga was developed during the Middle Ages from a cross between turnips and cabbage. The plant is extensively cultivated in Canada, Great Britain, and Northern Europe, and to a lesser extent in the United States.
Horseradish (Armoracia lapathifolia) is a plant with large, glossy-green leaves. The fleshy root is so hot to the taste buds that it is peeled, grated, and used only in small quantities to flavor other foods. It is native to Mediterranean lands and is grown throughout the Temperate Zone.
Stem vegetables.
In some plants, such as asparagus and kohlrabi, only the aboveground stems are used as food. Garden asparagus (Asparagus officinalis) is cultivated for its succulent stalks. They are long, straight, and green, with arrowhead-shaped bud clusters on top. Garden asparagus is cultivated in most temperate and subtropical parts of the world, particularly in France, Italy, and the United States.
Kohlrabi (Brassica oleracea) looks like a green turnip. Its most distinctive feature is its swollen globular base—actually the plant's greatly enlarged stem just above the soil. The flesh of the stem resembles that of the turnip but is sweeter and milder. The young tender leaves are sometimes eaten as greens. Kohlrabi was first described in the 16th century and is of European origin. It is not widely grown commercially.
Plants with tubers, or underground stems, produce blossoms above ground. Each bud on the knobby, edible, underground portions of the plant is capable of producing a new plant. Tubers include potatoes, Jerusalem artichokes, and taro.
Both the white potato (Solanum tuberosum) and the sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) are native to South America. They were introduced into Europe during the 16th century, and their cultivation spread to Africa, Asia, China, and then to the United States. The white potato is one of the main food crops of the world. (See also Potato; Sweet Potato.)
The tubers of the Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus) are thin-skinned with white, crisp flesh. The plant originated in eastern North America and its cultivation spread to Europe. The plant may have gotten its unusual name because its original name, girasole, sounded like “Jerusalem.”
Taro (Colocasia esculenta) has become a staple crop cultivated primarily for its large, starchy, spherical tubers, though the leaves are also eaten. Taro leaves and tubers are poisonous if eaten raw; the poison they contain must first be destroyed by heating. Taro is probably native to southeastern Asia.
Leaf and leafstalk vegetables.
Depending on the variety, leafy vegetable plants may have loose, separate leaves or leaves that are tightly or loosely folded over each other, forming round “heads.” The entire plant may be dug from the ground, or individual leaves or stalks may be cut off and used. Leaf and leafstalk vegetables include lettuce, chard, watercress, and cabbage.
Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) was cultivated more than 2,500 years ago. In their shape lettuce leaves may be frilly, crinkled, or lobed; their color may be light or dark green or bronze; and their flavor varies with the variety (see Lettuce).
Chard (Beta vulgaris variety cicla) is a very early form of the beet in which the leaves and leafstalks, instead of the roots, have become greatly developed. Watercress (Nasturtium officinale) is a hardy aquatic plant that has been grown in Europe as a source of both food and medicine for about 2,000 years. It is native to Eurasia and naturalized throughout North America.
The leaves of endive (Cichorium endiva) develop a bitter taste if they are allowed to grow naturally in the light. Endive is believed to have originated in Egypt and Indonesia and has been cultivated in Europe since the 16th century.
Celery (Apium graveolens) is most often grown for its tall, fleshy, green or yellow leafstalks, but its leaves can also be eaten. Native to the Mediterranean areas and the Middle East, celery was used as a flavoring by the ancient Greeks and Romans and as a medicine by the ancient Chinese.
The bright red or green leafstalks of the rhubarb plant (Rheum rhaponticum) are fleshy and tart. Rhubarb is generally cultivated only for its leafstalks; its dark green leaves are poisonous. However, they are cooked and eaten in certain parts of the world. The plant originated in Asia and is best adapted to cooler parts of the Temperate Zone (see Rhubarb).
The cabbage plant has many forms. The varieties cultivated as leaf vegetables include brussels sprouts, collards, kale, savoy cabbage, and the tightly folded, firm, green head of the most widely known variety, common cabbage (Brassica oleracea variety capitata). These various forms are said to have been developed by long cultivation from the wild, or sea, cabbage found near the seacoast in various parts of England and continental Europe (see Cabbage).
Bulb vegetables
have relatively large, usually globe-shaped, underground buds, or bulbs, with overlapping leaves arising from a short stem. Common bulb vegetables include onions and garlic.
The many types of tart, pungent bulbs known as onions (Allium cepa) are among the world's oldest cultivated plants. They were probably known in India, China, and the Middle East before recorded history. American Indians and early American settlers ate the wild onions growing in the prairies. The green onion tops grow best in cool weather; the underground yellow, white, or red bulbs grow in warm weather. When the bulbs are ripe, the tops lose their color and fall over. (See also Onion.)
A relative of the onion, garlic (A. sativum), is used as a seasoning in many national cuisines. The membranous skin of the bulb contains about ten—and sometimes as many as 20—small, edible bulblets called cloves. Garlic is native to Asia and also grows wild in Italy and southern France (see Garlic).
Head, or flower, vegetables,
such as broccoli, cauliflower, and artichokes, are grown for their flower heads or buds. Broccoli (Brassica oleracea, italica group) bears dense green clusters of flower buds. Broccoli is native to the eastern Mediterranean and Asia Minor and is cultivated in Italy, England, and the United States. In cauliflower (B. oleracea, botrytis group), the edible buds form a large head that may be white, green, or purple. (See also Cabbage.)
Artichokes (Cynara scolymus) are primarily cultivated for the immature flower heads (the fleshy parts are considered a delicacy), though the leaves may also be eaten. The plant is native to the western and central Mediterranean. In ancient times, the young leaves rather than the flower heads were eaten. The modern form, with edible flower, was first recorded in Italy about 1400. Today it is extensively cultivated in the United States (particularly in California), France, Belgium, the Mediterranean countries, and other regions with rich soil and a mild, humid climate.
Vegetable Farming
Modern vegetable farming ranges from small-scale, low-technology production and local sale to vast commercial operations utilizing the latest advances in automation and technology. Vegetable production includes all the operations required for planting, growing, harvesting, storage and marketing, and weed, pest, and disease management.
Planting and general care.
The time of planting depends on the crop. The large majority of vegetables are planted by seeding in the fields, but occasionally they are germinated in a nursery or greenhouse and transplanted as seedlings to the field.
During the growing season herbicides, pesticides, and fungicides are commonly used to inhibit damage by weeds, insects, and diseases, respectively. In the continental United States, growing seasons vary in length from about 75 days or less to 200 days and may begin in late March. Farmers select their vegetable crops according to the plants' temperature tolerance. It is essential to know whether the vegetable is hardy and can withstand extreme temperatures, or if it is tender and can only survive within a limited temperature range.
Cool-season crops are those adapted to temperature ranges of approximately 55° to 70° F (13° to 21° C) and may include plants that can tolerate some frost at maturity. Those that can tolerate frost include cabbages, turnips, parsnips, beets, onions, leeks, asparagus, chard, celery, and spinach. Those that are damaged by frost include lettuces, endive, white potatoes, peas, cauliflower, carrots, and artichokes.
Warm-season crops are those that are readily damaged by frost. Crops grown in temperatures between about 65° and 80° F (18° and 27° C) include squash, cucumbers, pumpkins, tomatoes, peppers, and sweet corn. Plants requiring longer growing seasons and temperatures above about 70° F include such sensitive plants as eggplant, okra, and sweet potatoes.
Harvesting and marketing.
Harvesting operations are usually mechanized in developed nations, but the practice of harvesting by hand is still employed in some areas or is used in conjunction with machine operations. After harvesting the vegetables, the farmer may store them. Storage may require both large bins and silos as well as refrigerated facilities.
The length of time between harvest and transport to market and the handling and storage conditions are critical factors in vegetable marketability. Vegetables have a high water content—80 to 90 percent—and perish quickly if they are not maintained at the proper temperature and relative humidity. Some crops, such as white potatoes, sweet potatoes, onions, beets, turnips, parsnips, and carrots, may be stored at temperatures between about 45° and 55° F (7° and 13° C) for weeks or months. Others, such as many leaf and stem vegetables, will not last longer than a few weeks under even the best storage conditions. Storage temperature and length of storage also affect the speed with which certain natural chemical changes occur in plants—the conversion of sugar to starch in corn, for example.
Before vegetables are marketed, they are put through such processes as washing, trimming, waxing, grading, and packaging. Vegetables such as beets, carrots, celery, lettuce, radishes, spinach, and turnips are trimmed before washing to remove discolored leaves or to cut back the green tops. Some vegetables, including cucumbers, peppers, and tomatoes, are waxed to give them a bright appearance and to control shriveling due to moisture loss. The vegetables are graded, packaged, and sold through various retail and wholesale markets. (See also Agriculture; Farming.)
World production.
The leading producer of the world's vegetable crop is China, followed by India. Other major world producers are the United States, Italy, and Spain. In addition, leading vegetable-producing states in the United States include California (particularly the Imperial, San Joaquin, and Salinas valleys), Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Arizona (in the Salt River valley), Texas (along the Rio Grande), and southern Florida.
This article is extracted from Encyclopedia Britannica 2009
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