The below description is detailed about the nutrition functions especially the vitamins with their supportive substantiality to raise human and animal lives. We divided it into three parts that the first is TYPE, the second’s NUTRITION and the third’s FUNCTION & WHERE THEY LIVE IN as mentioned below in the category list with clear sections.
They are being said about 100% of Alkaline elements which contain the mixed vitamins functioning are mostly important to be aware of substance in producing organs and supporting the body as follows:
They are being said about 100% of Alkaline elements which contain the mixed vitamins functioning are mostly important to be aware of substance in producing organs and supporting the body as follows:
100% Alkaline | An alkaline body condition can increase resistance against diseases and maintain cellular health. | ||
Natural Pigments | 1 | Beta-Carotene | Helps eliminate free radicals in the body, enhance immunity, and defend against abnormal cell growth. |
2 | Chlorophyll a | Helps improve overall immunity, sterilize and neutralize toxins in blood. | |
3 | Xanthophyll | Keeps abnormal cell growth under control. | |
4 | Phycocyanin | Promotes digestion of fats and fights carcinogens. | |
Vitamins | 1 | Vitamin A | Maintains healthy vision, enhances immunity, and maintains healthy skins. Vitamin A deficiency produces night blindness, diminished resistance to infection, dryness and roughness of the skin, thickening of the mucous membrane, loss of weight, reduced gastric secretion, dental decay, yellowish patches in the conjunctiva near the cornea. Treatment: 25,000-50,000 units of vitamin A daily for several months. Vitamin A is found in foods such as butter, egg yolk, milk, fish oils, fish liver oils, liver, carrots, marrow, spinach, kale and other leafy vegetables. It is produced in the body from the carotene in green vegetables with a lot of leaves or orange vegetables, important for normal growth, healthy skin, and the ability to see well, especially at night. |
2 | B1 Thiamin | Promotes energy conversion from carbohydrates, support heart and brain functions. Vitamin B1 (thiamin) deficiency produces beriberi, fatigue, nervousness, neuritis, loss of appetite, headache, nausea, insomnia, dizziness, loss of weight, constipation, burning of the feet, vague muscular pains. Advanced symptoms may be similar to those of cardiac disease. Treatment: 30-35 milligrams daily. Vitamin B1 is found in foods such as whole grains, brown rice, nuts, liver, pork, lean meats, beans and peas, important for the production of energy from sugar and starch in the body and helping the heart, muscles and nervous system to work well. Vitamin B complex is a group of vitamins which dissolve in water and are found in food. | |
3 | B2 Riboflavin | Maintains healthy vision and skin. Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) deficiency produces fissures at the angles of the mouth, burning of the eyes, scaly skin, pallor, mental disorders, nausea. Treatment: 10-15 milligrams daily. Vitamin B2 is found in foods such as milk, liver, meat, eggs and leafy green vegetables, cheese, yeast and whole grains, important for the production of energy in the cells and for the production of particular hormones. | |
4 | B3 Niacin | Helps in digestion, promotes skin and nerve health. Niacin (nicotinic acid) deficiency produces pellagra, scarlet-red mucous membrane, diarrhea, fatigue, insomnia, mental depression, skin lesions. Treatment: 50 milligrams twice daily. Vitamin B3 (niacin) is found in foods such as lean meats, liver, salmon and leafy green vegetables. It is one of the vitamin B complex found in foods such as wheat, beef, chicken and milk, important for producing energy from food and for keeping the digestion and nervous system healthy. | |
5 | B5 Pantothenic Acid | Promotes the synthesis of hormones and cholesterol. Vitamins (pantothenic acid and para-aminobenzoic acid) restore the colour of greying hair. Pantothenic acid is now being made synthetically. Its deficiency, to be sure, turns the black hair of rats grey, probably because of a damaging effect on the adrenal glands, but the same effect has been produced by a diet deficient in iron, copper and manganese. | |
6 | B6 Pyridoxine | Supports production of antibodies by the immune system and that of red blood cells. Vitamin B6 is a vitamin found in foods such as liver, yeast, fish and bananas, important in chemical processes in the body, and for keeping the skin, digestion and nervous system healthy. | |
7 | B9 Folic Acid | Promotes protein digestion and production of red blood cells, supports cell and tissue functions. | |
8 | B12 Cyanocobalamin | Prevents pernicious anemia. Vitamin B12 is found in foods such as liver, kidney, eggs, fish and milk, important for a healthy nervous system, normal growth and the production of red blood cells. | |
9 | B15 Pangamic Acid | Helps protect liver; stimulate immune response, aid in protein synthesis. | |
10 | B17 Laetrile | Prevents abnormal growth of cells. | |
11 | C | Forms collagen, helps wound healing. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) deficiency produces scurvy, softening of the gums, loosening of the teeth, anemia, slow healing of wounds and fractures, tendency to hemorrhage, loss of appetite. Treatment: 100-200 milligrams daily. Vitamin C is found in foods such as oranges, grapefruit, lemons, citrus fruit, tomatoes, raw cabbage and potatoes and green vegetables with a lot of leaves. Vitamin C is important for healthy bones, joints, teeth and gums (= the part of the mouth from which the teeth grow) and for fighting infection. | |
12 | D | Maintains healthy concentration of calcium in blood, helps calcium form bone structures. Vitamin D deficiency in adults is characterized by increased fragility of the bones, deformities, pains in the ribs, fatigue. Elderly people need only small amounts of vitamin D, the anti-rachitic vitamin, which they are able to acquire by exposure to sunlight. Vitamin D has been given in enormous amounts—up to 500,000 units—in order to treat arthritis, but opinions on the efficiency of this method are much divided. Vitamin D found in liver, oily fish and egg yolk, important for healthy bones and teeth. | |
13 | E | Antioxidant properties help prevent hardening of arteries. Vitamin E found in foods such as vegetable oils, whole grains, green vegetables with a lot of leaves and fish, important for healthy blood and cells. | |
14 | F | Helps lower blood cholesterol, maintain skin health and glandular system. | |
15 | H | Essential in the metabolism of fasts and protein. | |
16 | K | Helps blood coagulation. Vitamin K deficiency produces a tendency to hemorrhage, abnormal bleeding from wounds, impairment of blood coagulation, chronic diarrhea, jaundice. Vitamin K is usually present in normal quantities, but absorption may be inhibited in case of liver or gall-bladder diseases and the vitamin must then be artificially supplied. Vitamin K found in foods such as green vegetables with a lot of leaves, liver, vegetable oils and egg yolk, important for healthy blood. | |
17 | Rutin | Helps Vitamin C to work, strengthen permeability of blood vessels walls. | |
18 | Choline | Helps break down fat in liver, facilitates movement of lipid cells. | |
Minerals | 1 | Calcium (Ca) | Instrumental to the formation of teeth and bones. Calcium is contained in cheese, milk, ice-cream, bones, teeth, chalk and leafy green vegetables. One gramme of calcium daily is needed to provide an adequate supply and this amount is contained in one quart of milk. |
2 | Potassium | Maintains healthy pH level (pH= a number which shows how strongly acid or alkaline a substance is, in a range from 0 to 14) in blood and body fluids. Potassium is also a silvery-white element which, when combined with other elements, is used in the production of soap, glass and fertilizers (= substances which help plants to grow). | |
3 | Sodium | Maintains water levels internally and stabilizes osmotic pressure in the body. Sodium is a soft silver-white chemical element that is found in salt. | |
4 | Magnesium | Relaxes the nerves. Magnesium is also a silver-white metal element that burns very brightly and is used in making fireworks. | |
5 | Phosphorus | Helps growth & maintenance of bones & teeth, controls gene replication & cell metabolism. Phosphorus is also a poisonous yellowish white or (less often) red or black element that shines in the dark and burns when in the air. | |
6 | Iron | Essential in healthy supply of oxygen to cells, and production of red blood cells. The iron allowance necessary to prevent anemia in an adult is about 12 milligrams daily. It contained in egg yolk, liver, vegetables, dates, raisins, dried apricots and enriched bread. | |
7 | Copper | Promotes the healthy functions of immune, blood-clotting and cardiovascular systems. | |
8 | Manganese | Promotes pancreatic functions. | |
9 | Cobalt | Central element of vitamin B12, important for red blood cell formation. | |
10 | Zinc | Promotes growth and wound healing. | |
11 | Iodine | Essential to hormone production by the thyroid gland. | |
12 | Selenium | Contains anti-cancer & anti-oxidant properties, helps protect tissues & membranes from oxidation. | |
13 | Boron | Essential for bone metabolism and calcification of bone. | |
14 | Bromine | Helps in brain and liver functions. | |
15 | Molybdenum | A component of tooth enamel. | |
16 | Fluorine | Prevents teeth decay, promotes strong teeth and bones. | |
17 | Silicon | Related to the flexibility and structure of connective tissues. | |
18 | Chromium | Supports pancreatic functions, maintains blood sugar at healthy concentration level. | |
19 | Sulphur | Has anti-bacterial, anti-cancer & cholesterol-lowering properties, helps detoxification. | |
20 | Chlorine | Promotes protein, vitamin B12 & iron absorption; helps form stomach hydrochloride acid. | |
Protein | 1 | Isoleucine | Forms hemoglobin, balances blood sugar and energy, assists muscle recovery. |
2 | Methionine | Breaks down fats, detoxify harmful agents, protects against radiation. | |
3 | Valine | Promotes metabolism and tissue repair. | |
4 | Leucine | Helps hormone production, reduces blood sugar, repairs bones, skin & muscle tissues. | |
5 | Threonine | Produces antibodies and collagen. | |
6 | Lysine | For bone growth & formation, calcium absorption and formation of antibodies & collagen. | |
7 | Phenylalanine | Improves mood, enhance memory. | |
8 | Tryptophan | Helps relieve stress and stabilize moods. | |
Fat | 1 | Linolenic Acid | Source of energy; helps in the absorption and utilization of fat-soluble vitamins; prevents formation of blood clots in blood vessel; helps fight against asthma. |
2 | Gamm-Linolenic Acid | ||
3 | Palmitic | ||
4 | Oleic Acid | ||
5 | Fatty Acid | ||
Carbohydrates | Provides heat, maintains healthy metabolism of fats, and provides energy to serve cells. |
All living things, plant or animal, need vitamins for health, growth, and reproduction. Yet vitamins are not a source of calories and do not contribute significantly to body mass. The plant or animal uses vitamins as tools in processes that regulate chemical activities in the organism and that use basic food elements—carbohydrates, fats, and proteins—to form tissues and to produce energy.
Vitamins can be used over and over, and only tiny amounts are needed to replace those that are lost. Nevertheless, most vitamins are essential in the diet because the body does not produce enough of them or, in many cases, does not produce them at all.
Thirteen different vitamins have been identified by nutritionists: A, eight B-complex vitamins, C, D, E, and K. Some substances, such as carnitine and choline, behave like vitamins but are made in adequate amounts in the human body.

Daily Requirements
With a few exceptions, the body is unable to make vitamins; they must be supplied in the daily diet or through supplements. One exception is vitamin D, which can be produced in the skin when the skin is exposed to sunlight. Another vitamin, vitamin K, is not made by the human body but is formed by microorganisms that normally flourish in the intestinal tract only when green, leafy vegetables and vegetable oils are ingested.
The body's vitamin requirements are expressed in terms of recommended dietary allowances, or RDA. These allowances are the amount of essential nutrients that, if acquired daily, are considered to be sufficient to meet the known nutritional needs of most healthy persons. In the United States, the RDA values are established by the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council (NAS/NRC). In addition, two agencies of the United Nations—the Food and Agriculture Organization and the World Health Organization— develop RDA for different, worldwide population groups.
In the past, the strength of a vitamin or the amount of the vitamin necessary to produce a certain effect in the body was often expressed in terms of international units, abbreviated IU. The unit corresponds to a weight of the purified vitamin, and its value differs from one vitamin to another. Today, the strength of a vitamin is generally expressed directly in metric weights— micrograms or milligrams.
How Vitamins Work
In the body, proteins, carbohydrates, and fats combine with other substances to yield energy and build tissues. These chemical reactions are catalyzed, or accelerated, by enzymes produced from specific vitamins, and they take place in specific parts of the body.
The vitamins needed by humans are divided into two categories: water-soluble vitamins (the B vitamins and vitamin C) and fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K). The water-soluble vitamins are absorbed by the intestine and carried by the circulatory system to the specific tissues where they will be put into use. The B vitamins act as coenzymes, compounds that unite with a protein component called an apoenzyme to form an active enzyme (see Enzymes). The enzyme then acts as a catalyst in the chemical reactions that transfer energy from the basic food elements to the body. It is not known whether vitamin C acts as a coenzyme. (See also Digestive System; Metabolism.)
When a person takes in more water-soluble vitamins than are needed, small amounts are stored in body tissue, but most of the excess is excreted in urine. Because water-soluble vitamins are not stored in the body in appreciable amounts, a daily supply is essential to prevent depletion.
Fat-soluble vitamins seem to have highly specialized functions. The intestine absorbs fat-soluble vitamins, and the lymph system carries these vitamins to the different parts of the body. Fat-soluble vitamins are involved in maintaining the structure of cell membranes. It is also believed that fat-soluble vitamins are responsible for the synthesis of certain enzymes.
The body can store larger amounts of fat-soluble vitamins than of water-soluble vitamins. The liver provides the chief storage tissue for vitamins A and D, while vitamin E is stored in body fat and to a lesser extent in reproductive organs. Relatively little vitamin K is stored. Excessive intake of fat-soluble vitamins, particularly vitamins A and D, can lead to toxic levels in the body.
Many vitamins work together to regulate several processes within the body. A lack of vitamins or a diet that does not provide adequate amounts of certain vitamins can upset the body's internal balance or block one or more metabolic reactions.
Sources of Vitamins
Vitamins, though they are available from a variety of sources, are unevenly distributed in natural sources. For example, some vitamins, such as vitamin D, are produced only by animals, whereas other vitamins are found only in plants. (For natural sources of vitamins, see table.) All vitamins can be synthesized, or produced commercially, from foods and other sources, and there is no evidence that natural vitamins are superior to those that are synthetically derived.
Some foods are fortified with vitamins—that is, vitamins that are not normally present in the food, or that have been removed during processing, are added to the food before it is sold. Milk, for example, is fortified with vitamin D, and vitamins that have been lost from flour during processing are often replaced.
Although vitamin supplementation is generally unnecessary for otherwise well-nourished persons, there are times when the body's vitamin requirements may increase and when vitamin supplementation may be essential. Those likely to require such supplements include pregnant women, the elderly, and the chronically ill. Excessive intakes of supplemental vitamins should be avoided, however, because of the possibility of toxicity. (See also Food and Nutrition.)
Kinds of Vitamins
Vitamin A,
also called retinol, is a fat-soluble vitamin that is readily destroyed upon exposure to heat, light, or air. The vitamin has a direct role in vision and is a component of a pigment present in the retina of the eye. It is essential for the proper functioning of most body organs and also affects the functioning of the immune system.
Vitamin A deficiency results in various disorders that most commonly involve the eye and the epithelial tissues—the skin and the mucous membranes lining the internal body surfaces. An early symptom of vitamin A deficiency is the development of night blindness, and continued deficiency eventually results in loss of sight. If deficiency is prolonged, the skin may become dry and rough. Vitamin A deficiency may also result in defective bone and teeth formation.
Excessive intake of vitamin A causes a toxic condition. The symptoms may include nausea, coarsening and loss of hair, drying and scaling of the skin, bone pain, fatigue, and drowsiness. There may also be blurred vision and headache in adults, and growth failure, enlargement of the liver, and nervous irritability in children.
Vitamin B complex
consists of several vitamins that are grouped together because of the loose similarities in their properties, distribution in natural sources, and physiological functions. All the B vitamins are soluble in water. Most of the B vitamins have been recognized as coenzymes, and they all appear to be essential in facilitating the metabolic processes of all forms of animal life. The complex includes B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), niacin (nicotinic acid), B6 (a group of related pyridines), B12 (cyanocobalamin), folic acid, pantothenic acid, and biotin.
Vitamin B1, or thiamine, helps the body convert carbohydrates into energy and helps in the metabolism of proteins and fats. Vitamin B1 deficiency affects the functioning of gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, and peripheral nervous systems. Beriberi and Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome (often seen in alcoholics) are the primary diseases related to thiamine deficiency. General symptoms of beriberi include loss of appetite and overall lassitude, digestive irregularities, and a feeling of numbness and weakness in the limbs and extremities.
Vitamin B2, or riboflavin, is required to complete several reactions in the energy cycle. Reddening of the lips with cracks at the corners of the mouth, inflammation of the tongue, and a greasy, scaly inflammation of the skin are common symptoms of deficiency.
Niacin, or nicotinic acid, helps the metabolism of carbohydrates. Prolonged deprivation leads to pellagra, a disease characterized by skin lesions, gastrointestinal disturbance, and nervous symptoms.
A form of Vitamin B6 is a coenzyme for several enzyme systems involved in the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. No human disease has been found to be caused by a deficiency of this vitamin. Chronic use of large doses of vitamin B6 can create dependency and cause complications in the peripheral nervous system.
Vitamin B12, or cyanocobalamin, is a complex crystalline compound that functions in all cells, but especially in those of the gastrointestinal tract, the nervous system, and the bone marrow. It is known to aid in the development of red blood cells in higher animals. Deficiency most commonly results in pernicious anemia (see Blood, “Some Blood Disorders”).
Folic acid is necessary for the synthesis of nucleic acids and the formation of red blood cells. Folic-acid deficiency most commonly causes folic-acid-deficiency anemia. Symptoms include gastrointestinal problems, such as sore tongue, cracks at the corners of the mouth, diarrhea, and ulceration of the stomach and intestines. Large doses of folic acid can cause convulsions and other nervous-system problems.
Pantothenic acid promotes a large number of metabolic reactions essential for the growth and well- being of animals. Deficiency in experimental animals leads to growth failure, skin lesions, and graying of the hair. A dietary deficiency severe enough to lead to clear-cut disease has not been described in humans.
Biotin plays a role in metabolic processes that lead to the formation of fats and the utilization of carbon dioxide. Biotin deficiency results in anorexia, nausea, vomiting, inflammation of the tongue, pallor, depression, and dermatitis.
Vitamin C,
or ascorbic acid, is water-soluble and easily destroyed. It is essential in wound healing and in the formation of collagen, a protein important in the formation of healthy skin, tendons, bones, and supportive tissues. Deficiency results in defective collagen formation and is marked by joint pains, irritability, growth retardation, anemia, shortness of breath, and increased susceptibility to infection. Scurvy is the classic disease related to deficiency. Symptoms peculiar to infantile scurvy include swelling of the lower extremities, pain upon flexing them, and bone lesions. Excessive ascorbic-acid intake can cause kidney stones, gastrointestinal disturbances, and red-blood-cell destruction.
Vitamin D
is a fat-soluble compound essential for calcium metabolism in animals and therefore important for normal mineralization of bone and cartilage. The skin forms vitamin D when exposed to sunlight, but in some circumstances sunlight may lack sufficient amounts of ultraviolet rays to bring about adequate production of the vitamin.
Deficiencies cause many biochemical and physiological imbalances. If uncorrected, faulty mineralization of bones and teeth causes rickets in growing children and osteomalacia (progressive loss of calcium and phosphorus from the bones) in adults. Common early symptoms of rickets include restlessness, profuse sweating, lack of muscle tone in the limbs and abdomen, and delay in learning to sit, crawl, and walk. Rickets may produce such conditions as bowlegs and knock-knees. Deficiency may also cause osteoporosis, a bone condition characterized by an increased tendency of the bones to fracture. Large doses of vitamin D are toxic, and symptoms include weakness, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, excessive thirst, and weight loss.
Vitamin E
is a fat-soluble compound. The metabolic roles of this vitamin are poorly understood. Its primary role appears to be as an inhibitor of oxidation processes in body tissues. Deficiency is rare but may impair neuromuscular function. Although serious toxicity has not been attributed to large doses of vitamin E, adverse effects have been reported.
Vitamin K
is fat-soluble and essential for the synthesis of certain proteins necessary for the clotting of blood. Deficiency, though relatively uncommon, results in impaired clotting of the blood and internal bleeding. (See also Disease, “Metabolic and Deficiency Diseases”; Malnutrition.)
Vitamin-like substances
include a number of compounds that resemble vitamins in their activity but are normally synthesized in the human body in adequate amounts. They are often classified with the B vitamins because of similarities in function and distribution in foods. Their status as essential nutrients remains uncertain. Choline is found in all living cells and plays a role in nerve function and various metabolic processes. Myoinositol is a water-soluble compound; its significance in human nutrition is not established. Para-aminobenzoic acid is an integral part of folic acid but its role in human nutrition has not been documented. Carnitine has an essential role in the transport of fatty substances. Lipoic acid seems to have a coenzyme function similar to that of thiamine; however, because it is synthesized in the human liver and kidneys, it is not considered a vitamin. Bioflavinoids are a group of substances that affect the permeability of capillaries but do not normally have to be added to human diets.
The value of certain foods in maintaining health was recognized long before the first vitamins were actually identified. In the 18th century, for example, it had been demonstrated that the addition of citrus fruits to the diet would prevent the development of scurvy. In the 19th century it was shown that substituting unpolished for polished rice in a rice-based diet would prevent the development of beriberi.
In 1906 the British biochemist Frederick Hopkins demonstrated that foods contained necessary “accessory factors” in addition to proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, and water. In 1911 the Polish chemist Casimir Funk discovered that the anti-beriberi substance in unpolished rice was an amine (a type of nitrogen-containing compound), so Funk proposed that it be named vitamine—for “vital amine.” This term soon came to be applied to the accessory factors in general. It was later discovered that many vitamins do not contain amines at all. Because of its widespread use, Funk's term continued to be applied, but the final letter e was dropped.
In 1912 Hopkins and Funk advanced the vitamin hypothesis of deficiency, a theory that postulates that the absence of sufficient amounts of a particular vitamin in a system may lead to certain diseases. During the early 1900s, through experiments in which animals were deprived of certain types of foods, scientists succeeded in isolating and identifying the various vitamins recognized today. (See also Health.)
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