As soon as humans began to form permanent settlements and gave up wandering in search of food, agriculture was born. The Latin roots of the word agriculture mean “cultivation of the fields.” From the beginning, agriculture has included raising both crops and livestock. At first, this new way of providing food and other raw materials developed slowly.
But, because it made life much easier for many people, it became the preferred way of supplying a basic human need. The people who worked at agriculture came to be called farmers.
But, because it made life much easier for many people, it became the preferred way of supplying a basic human need. The people who worked at agriculture came to be called farmers.

As the food supply became more reliable and raw materials became more abundant, some people were free to do other things besides farming and hunting. Many of them chose to live in towns and cities, using their talents in various ways, including becoming expert in different trades. They made a variety of goods, which they could trade with the farmers for food. This began the division of labor into the rural farming community and the urban industrial complex, a fundamental partnership that still exists throughout the world.
A Changing Industry
Farming used to be primarily a family enterprise and to a large extent still is in most countries. In the more developed areas, however, more efficient large-scale operations are overtaking the smaller family farms. These large farms usually specialize in one crop or one type of crop and often are run by giant parent corporations. Such farms are part of the current trend toward more controlled and cost-effective agriculture, called agribusiness.

Production: Too Much and Too Little
There is a great range in agricultural production around the world. Some countries, using high technology and advanced methods, produce more through agriculture than they need or can use, while others—underdeveloped and poorer—never produce enough to sustain their populations.
Nations with more advanced agriculture often attempt to help underdeveloped areas improve farm productivity. This aid is often invaluable, but sometimes questionable for the long term. Agricultural systems are intimately connected to places and peoples. Propelling such areas into modern agricultural cropping techniques may be a shock to the local culture. In some cases, advanced technologies may not be advisable under the climatic and soil conditions of the area. The native method is often a marvel of ingenuity developed over many generations through intimate contact with a unique situation. There may be no bumper crops, but the wonder is that there is any crop at all.

As farmers continue to seek the greatest possible yield for the most reasonable cost, advanced agriculture is becoming as elaborate and as complicated as other modern industries. In the United States and in other wealthy nations where population is not yet a burden, the cost of labor is relatively high and is the limiting factor in production. Thus there has been more and more mechanization and automation.
Feeding the World

Trying to produce enough food to keep up with the ever-increasing global population is probably agriculture's biggest challenge. By 2030 an additional two billion people will need to be fed, using the same fragile land and water resources that we have now.
Even in developed countries, many people do not have reliable access to food. In 2005 about 12.6 million American households, or 11 percent, were “food insecure” at some time during the year.

Even if the food could be easily distributed to other nations, the costs for transporting it run high. Some nations may complain that others ruin their markets by giving a commodity away or selling it at cut-rate prices. These problems, too, must be carefully weighed against the benefits to poorer countries.
Government's Role

An example of the government's lending a helping hand to both farmers and the environment is the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA's) Conservation Reserve Program (CRP). The CRP offers technical and financial assistance to farmers trying to address soil, water, and other natural-resource-related issues on their lands. The program encourages farmers to convert environmentally sensitive acreage to healthy vegetative cover, such as native grasses, wildlife plantings, trees, or riparian buffers. Farmers receive an annual rental payment for committing their lands in this way.

Development of Farming
Agriculture is the basis of civilization. It began about 10,000 years ago, somewhere in the Middle East. Perhaps primitive attempts at agriculture were underway even earlier in Southeast Asia. Both of these areas were rich in animals that were suitable for domestication and in varieties of plants, and both have mild climates.
Agricultural Landmarks

The first crops probably included grains such as wheat, oats, rye, barley, and millet; and legumes such as peas, lentils, vetch, chick-peas, and horsebeans. Grapes, olives, dates, apples, pears, cherries, and figs were among early domesticated fruits.
Mesopotamia, called the cradle of civilization, influenced all of antiquity, especially Syria and Egypt and perhaps India and China. Its ancient cultures—Sumerian, Babylonian, Assyrian, and Chaldean—developed an increasingly complex and rich agricultural system that freed many people from farming. As a result, the first cities arose in Mesopotamia.

Greek influence upon agriculture was the establishment of the science of botany. Roman agricultural practices are well recorded. The earliest writing, from about 200 BC, on farming is Cato's ‘De agricultura', an essay on the practical aspects of crop and livestock management. Up to 200 BC Roman agriculture consisted of farms of one to four acres, intensively managed. Larger farms owned by absentee landowners were developed later, with slaves used to run them. Despite social upheavals in the Roman Empire, its agricultural technology—although inferior to that of the Egyptians—was not equaled in Europe until the Renaissance. The Romans discovered and carefully noted relatively sophisticated techniques such as grafting and budding, crop rotation, and the use of fertilizers. They also originated an early type of greenhouse. (See also ancient civilization.)

The usual method of crop farming was a fallow system, in which one third of the land was not planted each year, to restore soil fertility. Fields were partitioned into strips that were rotated among the tenant farmers. Strip farming gave way ultimately to an enclosed system, with individual farmers responsible for their own lands. Crop rotation and improved plowing techniques evolved.

As feudalism ended, technology was developing and agricultural methods, tools, and products were improving. New industries arose, creating markets for such crops as sugarcane, hemp, flax, vegetable oils, and dyes. The growing of grapes for wine became a key industry. New farming systems of enclosed fields, crop rotation, and feeding animals in stalls became more efficient with time. Mechanization was beginning for agriculture. Plows, seed sowers, threshers, and harvesters were introduced.
Kinds of Modern Farms

In more developed, less crowded countries, such as the United States, Australia, and Canada, a single farm may reach as far as the eye can see in any direction, and may be run by a large corporation that uses only the latest machines and technology. Such commercial farms are the big agricultural producers in developed nations. They are operated much like other industries. Many are family run, but the family functions as management for the parent corporation.

Diversified, general farming, in which many crops and different kinds of animals are raised, is the traditional farming practiced in Western countries with temperate climates. These farms are often composed of land claimed from forest and prairie.

Farms on flat to rolling lands are usually used for row crops or grains. Rocky, irregular lands are usually used as pasture, left wooded, or used for tree farms.
Dryland farming, practiced on prairies and other places where rainfall is light (less than 20 inches, or 50 centimeters), is common in many parts of North America and Europe. Soils are generally deep and rich, but yields vary because rainfall is not only light, but also uneven from year to year. Crops planted in such areas include winter wheat and grain sorghum.

Farming Methods Around the World

More productive agriculture has played a major part in the growth of developed countries. Typically, a country's development depends upon its ability to produce a surplus of food to maintain a nonfarming labor force in its urban areas. Put another way, the economic development of a nation requires a growing nonfarm labor force, and so the diminishing farm community must produce more food with fewer hands. Many countries find it difficult to reach this goal.
Agricultural systems have developed in response to tradition, geographic area, type of crop, and level of technology. They are also shaped by many factors not obviously related to them. Farming in North America, for example, developed out of traditional farming in the Old World. Corn was soon seen to be a valuable crop and became the dominant grain raised. Tobacco, cotton, and rice, which require many hands to tend, stimulated slavery.
The United States was originally an agricultural nation. In 1860 farmers made up 58 percent of the U.S. labor force. Now, only about 2 percent work on farms, but each farmer produces enough for more than 40 people. In contrast, in India and other poorer countries a typical farm worker produces enough only for about four persons.
Shifting Agriculture
Plantation Agriculture

Typically plantations develop as settlements grow and slash-and-burn farming exhausts the land. Villagers then turn to tending groves of coconut, breadfruit, banana, citrus, and avocado trees that can thrive permanently under tropical and subtropical soil and climate conditions. The rubber plantations of Sumatra and Malaya, cacao plantations of Africa and Central America, and the sugar and coffee plantations throughout the tropics are probably the best methods of using the land under existing conditions.
Forests have only recently became regarded as croplands to be managed for continuous production, like plantations, with specialized techniques and machines for planting, harvesting, and replanting. (See also forest and forestry.)

In the United States, many orchards are found concentrated in California, Florida, and Washington. There are extensive pear orchards in the Rhone Valley of Europe, and apple and pear orchards in northern Italy. Southern Australia, South Africa, and southern Argentina are also areas of fruit orcharding. China, the world's largest apple producer, has over 22 million acres (9 million hectares) of fruit orchards.
In the United States and Europe, almond, apple, citrus, pear, peach, plum, apricot, cherry, pecan, and walnut are the principal orchard-grown crops. Although grapes are sometimes grown in orchards, along with some other fruit, they are more usually grown in vineyards. (See also fruitgrowing.)
Floodplain Farming

In many parts of the world grasses cover the land as far as the eye can see. Livestock grazing is ideal in these areas, which include the prairies of the western United States, the lowland plains, or pampas, of South America, tropical savannas of Africa, and steppes of Asia. Periodic, controlled burning is practiced in such areas to keep woody brush from gaining a foothold and to stimulate continuing grass growth.
Desert Farming

Diversified General Farming

Prairie Farming
Much prairie land is used for the burning-grazing agriculture described earlier. Large acreages are usually devoted to a single crop or only a few. The prairie wheat fields of Canada and the cornfields of the United States are examples. Each year, with rare exceptions, this land yields larger and larger harvests because of more productive crop strains and improved farming techniques.
Twenty-first-century Trends

Up to the 1950s, industrial countries such as the United States, England, Germany, and Japan were the major centers of agricultural innovation and progress. Since that time, the newly developing nations in Latin America, Africa, and Asia have begun impressive large-scale efforts to improve their agriculture.

In time, the number of certain farm machines that came into use skyrocketed and changed the nature of farming. But it was not until the early 1950s that there were more tractors on American farms than workhorses and mules. Tractors offer many features that are attractive to farmers. There are, for example, numerous attachments: cultivators that can penetrate the soil to varying depths, rotary hoes that chop weeds; spray devices that can spray pesticides in bands 100 feet (30 meters) across, and many others.
A piece of equipment has now been invented or adapted for virtually every laborious hand or animal operation on the farm. In the United States, for example, cotton, tobacco, hay, and grain are planted, treated for pests and diseases, fertilized, cultivated, and harvested by machine. Large devices shake fruit and nuts from trees, grind and blend feeds, and dry grain and hay. With the help of computers, equipment is now available to put just the right amount of fertilizer in just the right place, to spray an exact row width with herbicides, and to count out, space, and plant just the right number of seeds for a row. Despite advanced mechanization in U.S. agriculture, there are still many high-value crops, including fruits and vegetables, that rely heavily on manual harvesting and other labor.

The problems of mechanizing some areas are not only cultural in nature. For example, tropical soils and crops differ markedly from those in temperate areas that the machines are designed for; so adaptations have to be made. But the greatest obstacle to mechanization is the fear in underdeveloped countries that the workers who are displaced by machines would not find work elsewhere. Introducing mechanization into such areas requires careful planning.
From “Green Revolution” to “Gene Revolution”?

Improvements brought about by traditional breeding techniques were largely responsible for spurring the Green Revolution. But today, in light of increasing global population growth, many researchers point to biotechnology as a source of great promise for feeding the world. Biotechnology, in which scientists introduce specific desirable genes into plants and animals, could endow crops with built-in insect resistance and herbicide tolerance. This science is also being used to make important global foods, like rice and cassava, more nutritious. This is critical, as vitamin deficiencies, particularly vitamin A and iron deficiencies, are prevalent across the developing world.
Tillage Systems

Minimum tillage appears to be gaining acceptance in many areas of the world. With minimum tillage, soil is disturbed as little as possible. In fact, in some areas zero tillage, or no tillage at all, is a growing practice. Weeds can be killed chemically and left as a soil-improving mulch. Crops are planted in untilled land by special machines. Yields of potatoes, parsnips, carrots, gooseberries, broad beans, and brussels sprouts are close to, and sometimes slightly better than, yields under traditional cultivation practices, which consume more time and energy. Corn and soybeans under zero tillage often yield more than under standard cultivation.
Intensive Cropping
Another trend is toward growing more plants in any given space. Improved crop varieties and more efficient fertilization and irrigation practices are helping growers achieve this. Cotton, sorghum, sugar beets, soybeans, and corn are effectively grown in such dense plantings.
Field Processing
In some areas field processing of crops is becoming a standard practice. The farmers use machines that process crops as they are harvested. Corn is shelled, or removed from the cob, as it is picked. Hay is baled and tossed onto a wagon, ready to be stored or sold. The idea behind machine processing in the field is to avoid unnecessary handling and storage of unprocessed crops.
Crop and Livestock Improvement
Crop improvement is continuous. Professional plant breeders are constantly working, through genetics, on the improvement of plants to meet changing needs and standards. For example, with the introduction of mechanical pickers for tomatoes, a tomato resistant to bruising by the machine was needed. Such a variety was created by plant breeders. Improving taste, nutrient content, and other qualities important to consumers are also goals of plant breeders.
Better, higher-yielding crop varieties have played an important part in the increase in crop production per acre in the United States and some other nations. Varieties of rice, cotton, vegetable-oil crops, and sugar crops have changed almost completely since 1950. By the late 1960s most crop acreage in the United States was producing varieties unknown in earlier decades. Best known of the improved crops are the many varieties of hybrid corn that are planted on more than 97 percent of the total corn acreage in the United States. Government experimental laboratories and commercial seed companies shared in the research and development of the high-yield plant varieties that provide such superior characteristics as resistance to cold, drought, diseases, and pests.
Improvements in livestock, such as more efficient use of feed, has added greatly to annual farm output. Such improvements are the result of breeding and improved husbandry and veterinary techniques. Special-purpose stock has been developed through selective breeding. It includes cattle that are able to thrive in subtropical regions, hogs that yield lean bacon instead of lard, and small and broad-breasted turkeys. (See also cattle; pig; poultry; turkey.)
Artificial insemination has become a major factor in cattle improvement. In this technique the sperm of genetically superior bulls is used to inseminate thousands of cows. In this way a herd can be upgraded significantly in a single generation. However, some people believe that producing plants and animals that conform to the needs of mechanization and increased production has resulted in less desirable farm products.
Animal Diseases
Today, animal diseases-including avian flu and bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE)-are real concerns of governments and scientists, as their occurrence can have serious effects on human health and global economies. Researchers in the United States and around the world are currently investigating how best to manage such disease threats through the development of better diagnostic methods and vaccines and by exploring how biotechnology might someday endow livestock with built-in disease resistance.
Not so new is the goal of increasing efficiency in animal production. Even after decades of animal-production research, there are still opportunities to reduce inputs, such as feed, while generating less animal waste. Finding valuable and environmentally appropriate uses for animal manure is a challenge faced by many industrialized countries.
The quality of meat, poultry, and fish is also important to governments, researchers, and consumers. Leaner beef and more nutritious eggs and fish, containing higher levels of healthful fatty acids, are being developed.
Helping shed light on such projects is an increased knowledge of animals' genetic makeup. U.S. animal scientists and their public and private partners worldwide have mapped the genetic blueprint-or genome-of several animals already, including the cow, chicken, and honeybee. Honeybees are unsung heroes on our farmlands, responsible for pollinating $15 billion worth of crops—mostly fruits, vegetables, and nuts—in the United States alone.
Pesticides, Herbicides, Growth Regulators
Better control of plant and animal diseases and pests has aided the increase in agricultural output. Inorganic chemical pesticides were generally used before 1945. Organic chemicals developed later include chlorinated hydrocarbons, such as toxaphene and benzene hexachloride. They also include organic phosphates, such as malathion and parathion.
The use of airplanes in spraying crops with these chemicals made the work more efficient. A plane can spray 1,000 acres (400 hectares) in a matter of minutes. Research in insecticides must go on continuously, since insects tend to develop immunity to sprays. Each new chemical is tested to be sure that no harmful residue will poison treated food plants. Environmental regulations in many countries also require testing to ensure that insecticides being used will not harm fish and wildlife. The combined use of minimal amounts of chemicals and of natural methods to control pests is called integrated pest management and is considered by many to be the most desirable control technique. Natural ways of controlling the spread of a pest population include disrupting the pest species's reproductive ability by releasing sterilized individuals into a population; releasing natural predators of a pest into a crop; and raising only pest-resistant crop varieties.
Insects, mites, and ticks that attack domestic animals can cost stock raisers millions of dollars annually. Methods worked out to free the animals from several types of pests have resulted, for example, in desirable weight gains and increased milk production. For instance, owing to research done by the USDA, the screwworm, a vicious, flesh-eating pest that preys upon livestock, was eliminated from the United States and Mexico by 1991. The project's success relied upon the sterile-male-release approach developed by USDA scientists in the 1950s. This technology, which involves releasing large numbers of sterile males into an insect population to induce its collapse, is still being used today to combat other serious pests, including malaria-causing mosquitoes.
Antibiotics are given to animals in feed and as medicine. By checking and preventing disease, the antibiotics promote growth, weight gain, and efficient use of feed. To increase milk output, cows are sometimes given bovine growth hormone. (See also dairy industry; insect; scale insect.) However, careful research is still needed to ensure the proper use of these compounds since they can encourage bacteria to mutate and form new strains that are resistant to current antibiotics.
The use of chemicals to kill weeds has saved much labor and has led to crop increases. The application of chemicals began on a large scale after the discovery in 1944 that 2,4-D (2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid) kills broad-leaved weeds but not grasses. This kind of selective action is ideal if some plants (the crop) are to be saved, while others (the weeds) are killed. Since that time more than 100 weed killers have been developed. They may be applied by special machines before or after the crop plant emerges. (See also weed.) Scientists are also exploring how natural products, like plant compounds, can be used to snuff out plant disease, without the use of chemicals.
Research has shown ways to regulate or control the growth of the plants by means of chemicals, such as the gibberellins, fumaric acid, maleic hydrazide, and CCC (2-chloroethyl trimethyl ammonium chloride). Such regulators are used to increase the size of fruits or to influence the direction of growth or the plant structure. Hormones are used to retard the falling of fruit, thus extending the harvest period. Artificial control methods are usually considered controversial because of possible harmful effects to human health.
Fertilizers and Lime
Agricultural experts credit greater and more scientific use of fertilizers and lime with a major share of the increase in farm production since 1940. The liming of acid soils in humid areas is a general practice in advanced agricultural countries. The lime reduces the acidity of the soils, making them more productive when planted with most crops.
Farmers dig soil samples from their fields and send them to soil laboratories operated by the government or by private companies. After testing the samples, the technicians recommend a fertilizer mixture, in terms of pounds per acre, of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium—the chief elements used by plants. These fertilizers may also contain small amounts of minor elements, called micronutrients or trace elements. Many machines have been developed for applying fertilizers to various crops.
To return organic matter to the soil, thus keeping it in good physical condition as well as providing fertilizer, farmers plow under available manure and cornstalks, alfalfa, clover, and other so-called green manure plants. Residue from the processing of plants and animals is used as organic fertilizer. Waste from fish canneries and meatpacking plants is also widely used. (See also fertilizer.)
Fertilizer and Pesticide Improvement
Farm manure is the major source of organic matter and plant nutrients in many parts of the world. Manure includes both animal excrement and animal bedding materials such as straw and wood chips. Poultry litter—the straw and droppings generated from chicken production—is an example of this valuable resource.
The beneficial effects of organic matter and chemicals in the growth of crops have long been known. But only recently have sophisticated systems of chemical release and application been generated rapidly. The goal of most research is to determine precisely how much nutrient to add to a crop and when it is best to add it.
Although there is continued use of standard chemical sources of nitrogen—the most needed and most expensive nutrient—such as anhydrous ammonia, ammonium nitrate, and urea, cheaper and better ways of providing nitrogen are available. Concentrated liquid fertilizers are often used, as is customized mixing of fertilizers based on soil and plant analysis.
As energy costs rise, so does the cost of commercial fertilizers, like anhydrous ammonia, which require natural gas to manufacture. Efficient use of fertilizers is important, not only for this reason but also for environmental ones. When excess nitrogen or phosphorus fertilizers leach into rivers and oceans, they can trigger massive algal blooms, which deplete the water of oxygen and cause devastating fish die-offs. In the United States, such “dead zones” occur in the Gulf of Mexico and Chesapeake Bay.
Larger and more precise fertilizing machines are being developed. Biodegradable tapes, with seed, fertilizer, and pesticide already incorporated, have found acceptance in gardening and application in some commercial agriculture.
The pesticide industry continues to produce standard control products while actively engaging in the search for more effective and safer ones. Herbicides are of increasing importance, especially under zero tillage systems of farming. Fungicides and other protectants against disease are expensive and may not be as advantageous in the long run as the breeding of disease-resistant strains of crops.
The future of chemical pesticides—including insecticides, fungicides, and herbicides—is being reconsidered on several levels: by the manufacturers, the sellers, and the buyers. The concern for environmental quality demands that greater care be given to development and use of these valuable yet potentially hazardous substances. Integrated control—the use of biological agents along with chemicals when necessary—is perceived as more and more desirable.
Fish-farming and Other Aquaculture
Fish-farming involves raising small immature fishes as livestock, under the best conditions possible. The Chinese have raised carp for several thousands of years, and the Japanese and others have raised certain other species of fishes with varying degrees of success. Now some researchers claim that the time is near when the problem of feeding a growing world population could be solved by farming the edges of the sea, raising not only fishes, but also lobsters, shrimps, and other shellfishes under optimum conditions. Commercial culture of lobsters, shrimps, and clams is in its infancy, but continues to develop. Under ideal conditions, such as those found in parts of Spain, edible bivalves are raised in great numbers.
Commercial farming of algae as human or farm-animal food has yet to begin. However, seaweed and other algae are collected for food and other uses in several parts of the world. (See also aquaculture.)
Hydroponics, or soilless culture of plants in liquids, is used on a small scale in greenhouses for production of off-season vegetables. Large-scale production would be economical only for certain kinds of farming, under special conditions, perhaps on some of the coral islands of the Pacific.
Soil and Water Management
Farmers have become more expert in soil and water management in the past half century. The science of agronomy includes land management. The huge yields today are partly due to intelligent use of the land. Farmers use areas with the least fertile soil, poor drainage, steep slopes, or other disadvantages as pasture and woods rather than for crops. They work and plant their land in ways that hold the rainfall and prevent or check erosion. The farmers of a district may join in soil conservation projects with federal aid. (See also conservation.)
Irrigation has long played an important part in the agriculture of many countries. Individual farmers and groups of farmers may get water for their fields from streams and wells. Others may get water from large government irrigation systems. These systems dam the snow-fed mountain rivers of the area and send their water through canals to the fields. About two thirds of the increase in irrigated acreage in the United States after 1949 was in the West. (See also irrigation.)
Until recently farmers in moister areas relied entirely upon rainfall for moisture. Since World War II many farmers in such areas have turned to irrigation to compensate for periods of poor rainfall during the growing season. This has insured more dependable crops and high yields even in times of drought.
Irrigation is the largest single consumer of water on the planet, using nearly 60 percent of all freshwater withdrawals. Indeed, irrigation helps fill stomachs and stimulate economies across arid regions of the world. In the United States it is needed to produce many of the fruits and vegetables we enjoy, which are often grown in inland California and in the Southwest.
Irrigation is not without its critics, however. Agricultural demands for irrigation water often compete with the needs of communities, which also rely on a steady stream of fresh, clean water. Additionally, global climate change is expected to exacerbate irrigation's impact on the world's available water resources. As many experts project that water will be the major natural-resource issue of the 21st century, it will be critical to develop new technologies for conserving water, including advanced, precision irrigation systems and improved crop varieties that require less water.
Livestock Production
As the need for grain as human food grows, the practice of feeding it to cattle and other livestock is questioned by some. New sources of livestock feed seem likely to emerge. Some research has focused on and appears to be headed toward increasing the yield of animal products just on the food that can be provided by rangeland and permanent pastures. Large-scale fertilization of this kind of land could, therefore, become justified in the future.
Genetic improvement through controlled breeding of dairy cows, better nutrition, and improved management have resulted in unparalleled gains in milk production in the past 40 years. Improvement is expected to continue. Research on climate control and increasing the number of multiple births is expected to result in improved production of beef cattle and pigs. Efficiency of poultry production, already high, could reach even higher levels through techniques that now seem fantastic.
For example, the potential efficiency limit for a laying hen is one egg each day for a year from three pounds (1.4 kilograms) of feed per dozen eggs. The average hen, however, lays about 270 eggs per year from four pounds (1.8 kilograms) of feed per dozen eggs. Much energy goes into producing the shell around an egg. Research may result in hens' laying eggs without shells, thereby increasing the total number that are laid. The question then becomes one of packaging and acceptance by the public.
The limits in most livestock productivity are still not within sight. Much remains to be done, but supplements in feed to fatten animals and keep them healthy may have reached its limit. There is growing concern over the appearance of such additives in the human food derived from treated animals.
The overall health and well-being of farm animals has also become a concern of governments, industries, and consumers. U.S. government researchers are currently developing scientific measures for gauging animal stress and well-being, which should lead to reduced animal health-care costs, improved food-production efficiency, and more satisfied consumers.
As competition for land increases and agricultural productivity peaks, agricultural research enters the area of bioengineering, through which plants can be redesigned by genetic manipulation. This offers the hope for lessening the need for feed and fertilizer supplements. Additionally, disease resistance increasingly will be built into crops, which will also reduce chemical applications and conserve the quality of water and soil resources. Plants will be able to grow on arid land or in salt marshes. Almost any desired genetic change is possible.
In agriculturally progressive areas, such as Japan, the United States, Canada, and many parts of Europe, agriculture has become big business. The farmer is more and more a manager, running a business, which may be part of a huge corporation, based soundly on chemistry, biology, engineering, and economics. The goal is the same as for any businessman: to maximize profits. The agribusiness manager must be alert to government programs and regulations, must be aware of the newest varieties and growing techniques, and must be knowledgeable about pesticide hazards and hundreds of other details. Every segment of the operation is examined. The most select crop variety suited to soil conditions is chosen; special fertilizer is blended for maximum growth and yield. Chemical weed control is practiced. Irrigation may be used. Pesticides are applied at the best times. All of these have been done by farmers in the past, but now many of these activities are computerized.
Agricultural Management
Farming has become a highly complex and competitive business. Today's farmer must be a careful businessman as well as a trained agriculturist. There is now the need to understand and use economics, marketing, and several other business-related fields in addition to having a knowledge of agronomy, animal husbandry, breeding techniques, and other fields traditionally related to agriculture.
Capital Outlay
The young person who selects farming as a career makes a large investment on entering it. Often there are years of expensive schooling. Then if the decision is to start one's own farm, there is the problem that the machines and equipment for scientific farming are expensive. The up-to-date farmer also must spend a great deal of money on such items as fertilizer, seed and livestock, special feeds, insect sprays, tractor fuel, and special buildings, such as milking parlors and poultry houses.
The price per acre of farm real estate (including land and buildings and other improvements) continues to rise. Net income, however, has changed little. A part of the rise in real estate has been caused by inflation. The demand for land for nonfarm uses also has boosted the average price.
Few farmers pay cash for their land. It may be months before money comes in from crops or animals. Like the city dweller buying a home, the average farmer must borrow. The farmer may also borrow to purchase seed, fertilizer, stock feed, and other supplies. The farm renter also needs money for the portion of machinery or livestock he or she must supply. Government and private agencies assist the farmers in securing this needed credit.
Records and Accounts
The modern farm family finds that it is necessary to keep numerous records. This task often falls to members of the farmer's family. The farmer needs data provided by the records for income tax returns and as a basis for making business decisions. Careful accounting is required to show whether the input—into a crop or into the farm as a whole—is warranted by the value of the output.
A dairy farmer may weigh and record the yield of every cow at each milking in order to find and then keep only the most productive animals. The poultry farmer may tally the number of eggs each hen lays and then cull the poor layers. The grain farmer must know the cost of seed, fertilizer, weed spray, labor, machinery depreciation, and other production items to calculate profit or loss on a crop.
After a careful study of investment, costs, and output, a farmer may make major changes in operations. The grain farmer, for example, may decide to rent more land to get greater use from machines. If yield is high and the price is low, the farmer may buy beef cattle to feed on the grain and hope to make a better profit on the beef. The farmer may decide to plant soybeans or another crop instead of grain the next year. A series of poor yearly results may reveal that the output of a small farm is not paying a fair wage for the labor. The farmer may then decide to take other work and run the farm only part-time.
Modern Marketing
Marketing has changed as much over the years as other aspects of farming. A century ago much of the farmer's output was sold and consumed at the nearest marketing town. The farmer might also deliver barrels of potatoes and apples directly to nearby homes. Grain was usually sold to a nearby mill, a steer or hog to the local slaughterhouse, and eggs and butter to a local store.
In some parts of the world farmers still carry their small surplus to a town market where they trade or sell it to their neighbors. In the United States, roadside vegetable stands and farmers' markets are the chief remnants of such direct trade between farmer and consumer. In general the modern farmer's output reaches the market through the hands of many businesses that buy, store, transport, process, package, and deliver it before it is sold to the consumer.
This system is necessary because people use few commodities in the form in which they come from the farm. People want cuts of meat or hamburger—not a steer; bread—not wheat; a dress or a coat—not cotton or wool. A farm's product may be used thousands of miles away, completely changed in form. More than a million commercial firms are engaged in agricultural marketing and processing. (See also food processing; meat industry.)
The people who handle farm produce en route to the consumer must be paid. In the United States, about 80 cents of every dollar people spend for farm commodities goes to the people who buy, handle, sell, package, and advertise it. This leaves about 20 cents for the farmer.
To avoid dealing with commercial buyers and processors, farm groups often organize cooperatives for the processing and selling of their produce. The extra profits are shared among the cooperative members. Farm cooperatives may also buy such items as fertilizer, seed, and gasoline in large, money-saving quantities, then sell them to members, passing along the savings. (See also cooperatives.)
Understanding the Market
To sell produce most advantageously, the farmer needs to understand the market for particular commodities. He or she must keep in touch with price trends to determine the most favorable time to sell. Various services in different countries issue reports on the production and prices of crops and livestock. They also forecast future output and furnish market news to newspapers and radio broadcasters. Boards of trade, or commodity exchanges, issue reports of prices for current sales and futures on grains, cotton, soybeans, and other commodities. The farmer can increase profits by producing commodities that meet high standards. The USDA's Agricultural Marketing Service has played an important role in setting standards and grades for agricultural products. The service also inspects many foods for wholesomeness.
Organic Foods
Starting in the 1990s, organic farming became one of the fastest-growing segments of U.S. agriculture. Organic farming depends upon ecologically based practices that conserve water, soil, and fertilizer. Although farmers have been developing such systems for decades, more U.S. producers are now considering organic farming in order to lower input costs, conserve resources, capture high-value markets, and boost farm income.
The USDA has put in place a set of national standards that food labeled “organic” must meet, whether it is grown in the United States or imported from other countries.
Governments and Organizations
Since World War II modern farming methods have been spread by national and international organizations. Governments have continued their traditional role of overseeing and influencing agriculture. Numerous countries have set up development programs and five-year plans to improve agriculture, marketing, and processing. Many nations have been especially eager to improve their economies at least partly through improving their agriculture. Irrigation systems have been built by many countries, notably India, Pakistan, Israel, and Egypt. To improve their agriculture, some of these countries have borrowed money from the World Bank and wealthy countries such as the United States.
The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Health Organization of the United Nations work to extend new farming methods and to fight diseases and pests. Groups that are active in improving agriculture in specific regions of the world include the Commonwealth of Nations, the Colombo Plan nations, and the Organization of American States (OAS). Agencies of the OAS maintain numerous technical institutions. Prominent among these institutions are the Inter-American Institute of Agricultural Sciences in Costa Rica and Operation Pan America in Brazil.
The United States economic and technical-aid programs are supervised by the State Department's Agency for International Development (AID). Agricultural experts work with farmers of other lands and show them how modern methods may be applied to help solve their problems. They introduce improved seed and better implements and devices to take the place of traditional seed and equipment. Philanthropic organizations such as the Ford Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation are also active in giving technical assistance abroad.
Farming in Communist Countries
Communist governments have worked to increase the supply of food and fiber in their countries. They have set up large cooperative and state farms, which use the labor and land of former private owners. In many cases they have met resistance. Also, crop results often have not come up to the expectations of leaders. In the late 1980s the Soviet Union's output of grain per acre, for example, was one third less than that of Western Europe, where intensive farming was practiced. Seeking to improve production, the Soviet government made several changes. For instance, they ended the system whereby collective farms had to sell grain to the state at low prices.
Communist China set up a commune system. Under this system, peasant families gave up their property and were housed in dormitories. Then they worked in the fields or on state projects under government-appointed supervisors. China also experimented with Western methods. (See also China; Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.)
Cooperative International Research
Progress in cooperative research is slow. Billions of dollars have been offered in agricultural aid through the AID, funded by the United States. Billions are also channeled through the FAO.
Grants from private foundations and various nations help to fund regional and international agricultural research centers in the tropics and subtropics. The centers provide educational opportunities as well as research services. At least half of the board members of these centers are distinguished authorities from the nations served.
In 1996 the World Food Summit, sponsored by the United Nations, convened to address widespread malnutrition and the capacity of agriculture to feed the world's growing population. A total of 185 countries as well as the European Community committed to this effort to halve the number of undernourished people in the world by 2015.
United States Department of Agriculture
The activities of the USDA are an outstanding example of how a government can aid and influence a nation's agriculture. Within the USDA are numerous divisions, generally called bureaus, services, or administrations. Most divisions assist in problems with farm methods. Several divisions, however, have programs to aid the farmers financially. Each of the 50 states also has an agricultural department. Federal and state departments work in cooperation with each other and with local committees, farmers' organizations, and individual farm families. (For information on these bureaus, services, and administrations and their activities and responsibilities, see United States Government, “The Department of Agriculture.”)
Research in agriculture
The Agricultural Research Service is the chief in-house research agency of the USDA. Charged with finding solutions to agricultural problems encountered in the field, at harvest, or during processing, this agency conducts its research in association with land-grant colleges and universities, thus providing added educational opportunities at these institutions. Areas of research include crop and animal production, sustainable agriculture, human nutrition, food safety, and new and improved uses for agricultural products. Scientists work at the large Beltsville, Md., research center and in laboratories throughout the United States and in several other countries. State agricultural experiment stations work on local problems and join with other state stations in regional research.
Discoveries by scientists at these facilities have played a major role in the growth of farm output. Stockbreeding experiments have produced animals that provide more or higher-quality meat, milk, and other products than did previous varieties. Milk production per cow tripled over the agency's first 50 years. The scientists have tailored crops to fit the needs and demands of consumers, processors, and machine cultivation. They have developed disease-resistant seed that will thrive in American soils and climates. They have discovered pesticides, medicines, and other cures for diseases of plants and animals. They have also discovered new industrial uses for agricultural byproducts, converting low-value waste materials into high-value products such as biofuels, bioplastics, activated carbons for cleaning water, eco-friendly food packaging, and much more.
Energy from agriculture
Research scientists within the USDA, the U.S. Department of Energy, and other federal agencies, along with universities and energy-related industries, are in the process of developing agriculturally based biofuels. Bioenergy could replace a significant portion of the fossil fuels, such as petroleum and natural gas, upon which the world's economies depend.
Bioenergy uses the sun to transform carbon dioxide into plant matter, which can then be converted into fuels or burned for heat. One of the most common forms of bioenergy today is ethanol, a waste product generated when yeasts feed on sugars. For centuries, beer and wine makers have relied on this natural process. The largest producers of ethanol are Brazil and the United States. Brazil produces its ethanol from sugarcane juice, while the United States produces most of its ethanol from the starch found inside corn kernels.
The next most common biofuel is biodiesel, which is made from vegetable or animal fats and oils. In the United States, soybean oil is the most common oil used for biodiesel production, while Europe produces most of its biodiesel from canola seeds.
By far the most abundant plant material for making bioenergy is cellulose. It is a major constituent of plant cell walls and so is present in wood, leaves, and stalks. However, the rigid structure of cellulose makes it much more resistant to hydrolysis. A great deal of research has been and is still being done to find a way in which cellulose can be broken down more easily and less expensively. Cellulose is a particularly attractive source of material for bioenergy production because, unlike sugars, starches, and oils, people cannot digest cellulose. Thus, a biofuel derived from cellulose would not displace food that a person might eat.
Publications and extension work
Federal and state agricultural scientists share the results of their research with farmers through broad programs of publishing and the extension service. All offer free or inexpensive bulletins on thousands of practical farm topics. The extension service is a cooperative undertaking of federal, state, and county government.
Each agricultural county in the nation is served by extension workers—usually the county agent and the home demonstration agent. They work directly with farm families in meetings and in farm or home consultations and demonstrations. The latest scientific knowledge is thus quickly made available. State extension staffs usually include experts in soils, livestock, landscaping, youth organizations, community improvement, wildlife conservation, sound environmental practices, and other topics.
Aid in conservation and marketing
Farmers get assistance in land and water management from the USDA's Soil Conservation Service and the Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service. The U.S. Forest Service and state forest services help in the management of woodlands. Aid in marketing farm crops is supplied by the Agricultural Marketing Service and the Foreign Agricultural Service. The Agricultural Cooperative Service assists marketing cooperatives. The Commodity Futures Trading Commission supervises the commodity markets, or boards of trade.
Aid in economic problems
Programs that help farmers solve financial problems were introduced during the Great Depression. They have been continued and revised over the years, as mounting crop surpluses threatened a slump in prices that would impoverish the farmers and many businesses.
Laws creating programs to provide various types of aid are passed by Congress. The administration of the program is the responsibility of the secretary of agriculture. (For more details, see sections “A Changing Industry” and “Government's Role.”) The Food, Agriculture, Conservation, and Trade Act of 1990 was passed to maintain the income of farmers, either indirectly, by supporting the prices at which they sell their products, or directly, by government payments.
The Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) is the Department of Agriculture agency that handles commodity price agreements with the farmer. To get the support price, the farmer must usually agree to plant only a certain number of acres with a certain crop. This does not necessarily reduce output, as modern techniques permit a high yield per acre.
The CCC offers to buy supported crops or to lend the farmer money at support prices. The farmer who pledges a crop for a loan will repay the loan when it comes due if a profit is made on the crop. Otherwise, the CCC takes full rights to the commodity.
Agricultural Education
In most nations agricultural research and training are promoted by both government and private industry. International bodies such as the Food and Agriculture Organization, the World Health Organization, and the International Rice Research Institute, which was established in the Philippines by the Ford and Rockefeller foundations in 1960, have made great contributions to agricultural technology since World War II, especially in the developing nations.
Most agricultural students study the following:
1. Soil science as it relates to farm production;
2. Plant production, including breeding, weed control, fertilization, plant diseases, and pest control;
3. Animal production, including breeding, nutrition, and care (usually not animal disease, which is a separate study);
4. Economics and management science, including agricultural policy, business, and marketing;
5. Agricultural engineering, including construction and hydraulics.
In addition, other studies are required in various countries. They may include land reclamation, conservation techniques, processing technology, meteorology, agricultural law, and agricultural history.
Farm Organizations
Farm boys and girls learn some farming methods and may develop as rural leaders through their young people's clubs. Students in vocational agriculture courses are eligible to join the National FFA (Future Farmers of America) Organization. The 4-H Clubs, sponsored by the United States Department of Agriculture and state agricultural colleges, and the Juvenile Grange, sponsored by the National Grange, carry on extensive programs in farming and homemaking.
Adult farmers have independent dues-supported organizations for advancing their welfare—for example, to provide specialist speakers, or exchange ideas, and other educational functions. Three major groups in the United States are the National Grange, organized in 1867; the American Farm Bureau Federation, begun in 1919; and the Farmers' Educational and Cooperative Union of America, founded in 1902.
Extracted from Encyclopedia Britannica 2009 (Student and Home Edition)
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